Simplício Rodrigues de Sá was a Portuguese painter and teacher who established his life and career in Brazil.
He was a pupil-disciple of Jean-Baptiste Debret, and also took part in the formation of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts. He was one of the few Portuguese artists who actively contributed to the French Artistic Mission to Brazil. Because of his influence, he taught drawing and held the chair of Historical Painting at the Imperial Academy on an interim basis.
Simplício Rodrigues de Sá was of great importance to the Brazilian Imperial Family, having been a mentor in drawing and painting to Dom Pedro II, Dona Maria da Glória, the future Queen of Portugal, and also to the Empress Dona Leopoldina. His most famous work is the last portrait done of Dom Pedro I while he was still alive.
He died at the age of 54 in Rio de Janeiro, where he had lived for most of his life.