Gottlieb Welté (German, 1745/49 – 1792)
Jacopo Tintoretto (Italian, 1518-1594)
Jan Brueghel the Younger (Flemish, 1601 - 1678)
Benjamin West (American, 1738-1820)
Willem Key (Flemish, 1516 – 1568)
Workshop of Albrecht Altdorfer (German, 1480 - 1538)
Cornelis Engebrechtsz (Dutch, 1461-1527)
Teodor Axentowicz (Polish, 1859–1938)
Hans Thoma (German, 1839-1924)
Francescuccio Ghissi (Italian, 1359-1395)
Nicolas Poussin (French, 1594-1665)
Agnolo Bronzino (Italian, 1503-1572)
Jules Elie Delaunay (French, 1828–1891)
Franz Anton Palko (Austrian, 1717-1766)
Paul Troger (Austrian, 1698-1762)
Wilhelm Kotarbiński (Russian, 1849-1921)
Knapp & Co. (American, 19th Century)
Stecher Litho. Co (American, 1871-)
Lombard School (Italian, 16th-20th Century)
Jacopo Bassano (Italian, ca. 1510-1592)
Master Alejo (Spanish, Active c. 1485-1516)
Constant Permeke (Belgian, 1886-1952)
John Martin (English, 1789-1854)
Rombout Van Troyen (Dutch, 1605 - 1656)
Sebastiano Ricci (Italian, 1659-1734)