National Institutes of Health (American, 1887-)

Forbes Co. (American, 19th/20th Century)

Lith. G. Bataille (French, 19th/20th century)

Laboratoires Brisson (French, 20th Century)

National Institutes of Health (American, 1887-)

Jean d'Ylen (French, 1886-1938)

Hedwig Thoma (Swiss, 1886-1946)

Stafford & Co. (American, 19th/20th century)

Julius Bien (American, 1826-1909)

Pal (Jean de Paleologue) (Romanian, 1855 - 1942)

Will Phillip Hooper (American, 1855-1938)

Albert Guillaume (French, 1873 – 1942)

William Hogarth (English, 1697-1764)

Calhoun Printing Co (American, 1852 -)

L.N. Britton (American, 19th/20th Century)

Dietmar Winkler (German, 1938 -)


Eric Rohman (Swedish, 1891 - 1949)

Edward McKnight Kauffer (American, 1890-1954)


Bouet (French, 20th Century)


L. L. Roush (American, 19th/20th Century)