Courier Litho. Co. (American, 19th/20th Century)

Etienne Moreau-Nélaton (French, 1859-1927)

Jack Rivolta (American, 1890-?)

Baxter & Scriven Bros. (American, 19th/20th Century)

James Henry Daugherty (American, 1889 – 1974)

Mosnar Yendis (English, 1881-1958)

Otto Lange (German, 1879-1944)

Blanche Letcher (American, 1872-1938)

Strobridge & Co. Lith. (American, 1847 -)

Abram Games (English, 1914-1996)

Cyril Kenneth Bird (Fougasse) (English, 1887 – 1965)

Barnett Freedman (English, 1901 – 1958)

U.S.. Department of Health & Human Services (American, 1953-)

Juan Gris (Spanish, 1887-1927)

Bureau of the Census (American, 1902 - )

George Reiter Brill (American, 1867 - 1918)


Artcraft Lithograph (American, 1905 – )

Edward Wadsworth (English, 1889 – 1949)

Charles Buckles Falls (American, 1874-1974)