William Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905)
The Master of the Fertility of the Egg (Italian, 17th/18th century)
Josef Adam Ritter von Mölck (Austrian, 1714–1794)
Jan Brueghel The Elder (Flemish, 1568 - 1625)
Giuseppe Cesari (Italian, 1568 - 1640)
William Bouguereau (French, 1825-1905)
Henri Leopold Lévy (French, 1840 - 1904)
Frans Wouters (Flemish, 1612 - 1659)
Follower Of François Boucher (French, 1703-1770)
Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer (French, 1865 – 1953)
Jan Jansz. Van Buesem (Dutch, 1599 – 1649)
Frederic Leighton (English, 1830-1896)
Francesco Albani (Italian, 1578 - 1660)
Jean-Joseph-Benjamin Constant (French, 1845 - 1902)
Diogène Maillart (French, 1840-1926)
Henry Bacon (American, 1839-1912)
Follower Of Paolo Veronese (Italian, 1528-1588)
Claude Déruet (French, 1588 - 1660)
J. Charbonnier (French, 16th Century)
Abraham van Diepenbeeck (Flemish, 1596 - 1675)
Alexander Rothaug (Austrian, 1870 - 1946)
Januarius Zick (German, 1730 - 1797)
Abraham Janssens (Flemish, 1575–1632)
Anton Raphael Mengs (German, 1728-1779)
Franz von Stuck (German, 1863-1928)
Franz von Stuck (German, 1863-1928)
Elisabetta Sirani (Italian, 1638-1665)
French School (French, 16th-20th Century)