Lucas Cranach the Elder (German, 1472 - 1553)
Benvenuto Tisi (Italian, 1481 – 1559)
Joos Van Cleve (Dutch, 1485-1541)
Antonio Zanchi (Italian, 1631 - 1722)
Johann Christoph Liska (Czech, 1650-1712)
Willem de Poorter (Dutch, 1608–1668)
Herri met de Bles (Flemish, 1510-1572)
Benvenuto di Giovanni (Italian, 1436-1509/17)
Simon Vouet (French, 1590-1649)
Bolognese School (Italian, 16th-20th Century)
Stecher Litho. Co (American, 1871-)
Follower of Pietro da Cortona (Italian, 1596-1669)
Jean Jouvenet (French, 1644–1717)
Stecher Litho. Co (American, 1871-)
Giovanni Battista Gaulli (Italian, 1639-1709)
Jean Bellegambe (French, 1470-1535)
Stanisław Grocholski (Polish, 1865-1932)
Bartolomé Pérez (Spanish, 1634–1693)
Pieter Coecke van Aelst (Flemish, 1502-1550)
Abel Grimmer (Flemish, c. 1570–c. 1620)
Konrad Witz (German, ca. 1410-1446)
Jan Ladislaw Sýkora (Czech, 1852-1928)
Sandro Botticelli (Italian, 1444-1510)
Jacopo Bassano (Italian, ca. 1510-1592)
Hendrik van Balen (Flemish, 1575-1632)