Louis Tauzin (French, 1845–1914)

Imp. Emile Lévy (French, 19th/20th century)

Eddy de Smet (Dutch, 20th Century)

Emil Könlein (Swiss, 1901-1965)

Aurelio Craffonara (Italian, 1875-1945)

Jules Chéret (French, 1836-1932)

Emil Cardinaux (Swiss, 1877–1936)

Dmitriĭ Stakhievich Moor (Russian, 1883-1946)

U.S. Information Agency (American, 1953-1999)

Goes Litho. Co. (American, 19th/20th Century)

Bureau of the Census (American, 1902 - )

U.S. Information Agency (American, 1953-1999)

Laboratoires Rosa (French, 20th Century)

Theo van Hoytema (Dutch, 1863-1917)

Friedel Dzubas (American, 1915-1994)


Imp. F. Hermet (French, 19th/20th century)

Imp. H. Laas (French, 19th/20th century)

Jean d'Ylen (French, 1886-1938)

Imp. Emile Lévy (French, 19th/20th century)

Jerome Henry Rothstein (American, 1918-2008)

Howard Chandler Christy (American, 1873 - 1952)

Carel Adolph Lion Cachet (Dutch, 1864 – 1945)

Gustave Fraipont (French, 1849 - 1923)