Animals A Collection of Illustrations from Public Domain books covering a wide range of subjects All Books Animals Botanical Children’s Books Design Japanese Ornament Science Deutsche Schmetterlingskunde für Anfänger. Nebst einer Anleitung zum SammelnAdolf Speyer The Cave Fauna of North AmericaAlpheus Spring Packard Biologia Centrali-AmericanaFrederick DuCane Godman The Royal Natural HistoryRichard Lydekker Nests and eggs of birds of the United StatesThomas George Gentry, Edwin L. Sheppard The aquarium; an unveiling of the wonders of the deep seaPhilip Henry Gosse The Great Barrier Reef of Australia; its products and potentialitiesWilliam Saville-Kent An epitome of the natural history of the insects of New Holland, New Zealand, New Guinea, Otaheite.....Edward Donovan Die Flügelschnecken (Strombea)Heinrich Carl Küster North American HerpetologyJohn Edwards Holbrook Animate creation: Popular edition of our living world, a natural historyJohn George Wood, Joseph Bassett Holder Les oiseaux dans la natureEugène Rambert, Léo Paul Robert Die Nordamerikanische VogelweltHenry Nehrling, Robert Ridgway Monographie des picidéesAlfred Malherbe Die polycladen (seeplanarien) des golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden meeres-abschnitteArnold Lang The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and lineWilliam C. Harris, J.L. Petrie Histoire naturelle des singes et des makisJean Baptiste Audebert Encyclopaedia Londinensis: ConchologyJohn Chapman Natural history of VictoriaFrederick McCoy, Paul Howard MacGillivray Le monde de la MerAlfred Frédol, P. Lackerbauer A monograph of the Paradiseidae or Birds of ParadiseDaniel Giraud Elliot Illustrations of the zoology of South AfricaSir Andrew Smith, Charles M. Curtis Species novae TestudinumJohann Baptist von Spix The naturalist's librarySir William Jardine, James Duncan The free-living unarmored dinoflagellataCharles Atwood Kofoid, Olive Swezy The Poultry BookW.B. Tegetmeier, Harrison Weir Natural history of the Birds of Central EuropeJohann Friedrich Naumann, Johann Andreas Naumann Exploration scientifique de l'AlgérieArthus Bertrand Actinologia britannica. A history of the British sea-anemones and coralsPhilip Henry Gosse Album de aves amazonicasEmil August Göldi « 1 2 3 4 »