Animals A Collection of Illustrations from Public Domain books covering a wide range of subjects All Books Animals Botanical Children’s Books Design Japanese Ornament Science The book of nature, or, The history of insectsJan Swammerdam Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard CollegeHarvard University. Museum of Comparative Zoology Natural history of Saint DomingueRené de Rabié A monograph of the Pittidæ, or family of ant-thrushesDaniel Giraud Elliot Cynographia Britannica; consisting of coloured engravings of the various breeds of dogs existing in Great BritainSydenham Edwards Dissertatio de generatione et metamorphosibus insectorum surinamensiumMaria Sibylla Merian Original water-colour drawings of birds and eggsJohn William Lewin Atlas da Fauna do BrasilRodolpho von Ihering Der Raupen wunderbare Verwandelung und sonderbare Blumen-NahrungMaria Sibylla Merian PapillonsEmile-Allain Séguy Histoire naturelle des oiseaux-mouchesRené Primevère Lesson Thomas Sydney Cooper's cattle subjectsThomas Sydney Cooper A New Drawing Book principally consisting of Beasts in various ActionsGeorge Bickham the Younger Foreign butterflies occurring in the three continents Asia, Africa and AmericaPieter Cramer A monograph of the Trogonidae or family of trogonsJohn Gould The mammals of AustraliaJohn Gould Voyage autour du mondeLouis-Isidore Duperrey A monograph of the Macropodidae, or family of kangaroosJohn Gould A monograph of the Ramphastidae, or family of toucansJohn Gould Les pigeonsCoenraad Jacob Temminck The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan islandsJohn Gould Monograph of the PittidaeJohn Gould Centurie zoologiqueRené-Primevère Lesson Archives de l'histoire des insectesJohann Caspar Fuessli Poissons, ecrevisses et crabes, de diverses couleurs et figures extraordinaires...Louis Renard The mineral conchology of Great BritainJames Sowerby The Birds of AmericaJohn James Audubon A synopsis of the birds of Australia, and the adjacent IslandsJohn Gould, Elizabeth Gould Icones rerum naturalium, ou figures enluminées d'histoire naturelle du nordPeder Ascanius Fauna JaponicaPhilipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold « 1 2 3 4 »