French architect, engineer, and engraver, whose plates for Percier and Fontaine's Recueil … (1801) encapsulated the Empire style. His Nouveau Recueil en Divers Genres d'Ornemens (New Compendium of Different Types of Ornament—1803) contained many Directoire and Empire themes, and he collaborated with Pierre-Nicolas Beauvallet (1749–1828) on Décorations intérieures et extérieurs (Interior and Exterior Decorations—1803).
His most celebrated work was Nouveau Parallèle des Ordres (New Parallel of the Orders—1819), an accurate and exquisitely engraved book of the Orders of architecture that remains one of the best sources. His son, Louis-Marie (1789–1874), published important engravings of funerary monuments and mausolea in the new cemeteries of Paris in 1832.