책 표지/포스터 By 트린 •1201 Items Facebook Twitter Pinterest Washington, D.C. – Braniff International Airways (1960s) Anonymous Posters The Hyde Park Golden Jubilee Committee present the Gay 90’s Art Ball (1939) Anonymous Posters The best man is the guy who locks up (1964) Anonymous Posters The art interchange, Easter number (1895) Anonymous Posters Texas. Braniff International Airways (1960) Anonymous Posters Smoke over Des Moines (1936) Anonymous Posters Poster shows an illustration of people reading the The Sunday World newspaper. (1890) Anonymous Posters Philadelphia Sunday press (1896) Anonymous Posters Doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief agree…these books are too good to miss! (1936) Anonymous Posters Chicago,Chicago, Braniff International Airways (1960s) Anonymous Posters Chicago, Braniff International Airways (1960s) Anonymous Posters Chicago public library week (1936) Anonymous Posters Balcony stories (ca. 1890–1920) Anonymous Posters illustration of a woman, on a swing, with a large bird sitting on her lap smoking a cigar (1896) Anonymous Posters Feigenspan’s bock beer (1895 - 1917) Anonymous Posters Southern California. Sante Fe. (1963) Anonymous Posters The grasshoppers (ca. 1890–1920) Anonymous Illustration Fattoria Vini Marsala Florio & C. Anonymous Posters New York ; the upper bay from lower Manhattan. New York Central System (1920) Leslie Ragan (American, 1897-1972) Posters Ontwerp voor Paul Fierens ‘l’Art Hollandais contemporain’; drie naakte vrouwen (1933) Leo Gestel (Dutch, 1881- 1941) Abstract «3738394041»
Poster shows an illustration of people reading the The Sunday World newspaper. (1890) Anonymous Posters
illustration of a woman, on a swing, with a large bird sitting on her lap smoking a cigar (1896) Anonymous Posters
New York ; the upper bay from lower Manhattan. New York Central System (1920) Leslie Ragan (American, 1897-1972) Posters
Ontwerp voor Paul Fierens ‘l’Art Hollandais contemporain’; drie naakte vrouwen (1933) Leo Gestel (Dutch, 1881- 1941) Abstract