Disease By Nona •9 Items Facebook Twitter Pinterest No home remedy or quack doctor ever cured syphilis or gonorrhea Leonard Karsakov (American, 20th Century) Posters Malaria knocks you flat Anonymous Posters Polio research a light is beginning to dawn (1949) Herbert Bayer (American, 1900-1985) Posters We’ve fought in the open – bubonic plague, yellow fever, tuberculosis–now venereal diseases (1918) Horace Devitt Welsh (American, 1888-1942) Posters Stop; don’t smoke that stick Anonymous Posters Ayer’s Cherry Pectorials (1890 - 1907) Edward Penfield (American, 1866 - 1925) Posters Ayer’s sarsaparilla, for all blood diseases, cures others, will cure you (1891) Knapp & Co. (American, 19th Century) Posters When a fly wipes his feet on your food he’s spreading disease (1944) Anonymous Posters Don’t become an endangered species Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (American, 1946-) Posters
No home remedy or quack doctor ever cured syphilis or gonorrhea Leonard Karsakov (American, 20th Century) Posters
We’ve fought in the open – bubonic plague, yellow fever, tuberculosis–now venereal diseases (1918) Horace Devitt Welsh (American, 1888-1942) Posters
Ayer’s sarsaparilla, for all blood diseases, cures others, will cure you (1891) Knapp & Co. (American, 19th Century) Posters
Don’t become an endangered species Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (American, 1946-) Posters