Stecher Lithographic Company is most famous for its beautiful fruit crate labels and "nurserymen's plates." The latter were exhibited at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago.
They began as Charles F. Muntz and Co in 1871, then became Mensing, Rahn and Stetcher around 1874/1875. They changed again to become Mensing and Stecher around 1878 and finally incorporated as Stecher Lithographic Company in January 1887.
Originally from Germany, Frank A. Stecher became a rounding success in the chromolithographic printing business. He worked with a number of well respected artists and found more designers through contests.
In Collection: Religious Lithographs (View all 352)
Joseph Hoover (American, 1830 - 1913)
Providence Lith. Co (American, 1880-1975)
Providence Lith. Co (American, 1880-1975)
Stecher Litho. Co (American, 1871-)
Louis Prang & Co. (American, 1824 – 1909)
Currier & Ives. (American, 1835 - 1907)
Currier & Ives. (American, 1835 - 1907)
H. C. Tunison (American, 19th/20th Century)
Gustave Doré (French, 1832-1883)
John Smith (American, 19th Century)
Providence Lith. Co (American, 1880-1975)