Auguste Serrure was a Belgian painter, and did his apprenticeship with Ferdinand de Braekeleer at the Antwerp Academy of Art. The painter quickly dedicated himself to genre scenes. He exhibited at the 1861's Antwerp's Fair, where he was rewarded and also in Brussels in 1863-1864 and London in 1874.
Like his master, Auguste Serrure was considered as a realistic painter. He became famous with his scenes of genre representing the inhabitant of Antwerp in gallant staging. There are many charms in his paintings and a quiet sensation which bring his works of art close to the Charles Baugniet or Alfred
Stevens' scenes of genre.
Serrure was a very secret artist and we now don't know a lot of his life. He died in Schaerbeek.
More Artworks by Auguste Serrure
Auguste Serrure (Belgian, 1825-1903)
Auguste Serrure (Belgian, 1825-1903)
Auguste Serrure (Belgian, 1825-1903)