Taito II Katsushika was born to a sumarai family from Kyushu. He became a pupil of the famous painter and printmaker Hokusai Katsushika who gave him the name "Taito". Taito II worked as a printmaker, painter and book illustrator.
The name of Katsushika Taito became a bit infamous when his contemporaries caught him having forged his master's signature. From then on he was nicknamed Ino Hokusai - meaning 'Dog Hokusai'. Another name for Taito is Osaka Hokusai. It was given to him when he worked during the last 10 years of his productive period in Osaka, another printmaking center, but compared to Edo much smaller in output volume.
The prints and paintings by Taito II are kept much in the style of his great master Hokusai. Most of the works by the artist that you will find in the market are single pages from ehon, Japanese books made with the same woodblock printmaking technique used for single prints.