More Illustrations in Book: The fishes of North America that are captured on hook and line (View all 40)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)
John L. Petrie (American, 19th Century)