Jules-Adolphe Chauvet was a French painter, draftsman and lithographer.
The life of this artist, author of a large number of drawings preserved in Paris at the Carnavalet Museum and the National Library of France, among others, is still poorly documented.
A pupil of Eugène Cicéri between the ages of 15 and 18, Jules-Adolphe Chauvet then joined the army and became a non-commissioned officer in the Chasseurs d'Afrique.
Returning to Paris in 1855, he joined the Compagnie impériale des voitures (CIV), the exclusive cab service concession holder, as an administrative employee, then took up drawing again. He produced chromos and practiced lithography.
Among other things, he drew numerous districts of old Paris and illustrated, by composing vignettes, the works of Gay et Doucé, a Belgian publishing house specializing in erotic works. He also worked for the publisher Auguste Brancart, Damase Jouaust, and many others.
He also drew, albeit rather late in his career, a large number of erotic drawings, notably through the illustrations for Ernest Feydeau's work Les Souvenirs d'une cocodette (Memoirs of a courtesan), published in 1877.