Alphonse Hector Colomb, known as Hector Moloch, B. Moloch or Moloch was a French cartoonist and caricaturist.
Hector Colomb made his debut in 1868 at Le Belphégore, a newspaper published in Moulins. Three prints, signed B. Moloch, highly critical of Thiers, brought him notoriety. He then attacked Napoleon III with vehement portrait-loads. In Chanteclair, he published two portrait-charges a month on members of the Académie de médecine.
His subjects included professors and doctors of medicine. He is the author of postcards, plates for Épinal pictures, and advertising posters. He worked for the illustrated newspapers La Fronde, L'Éclipse, Le Grelot, Le Pêle-mêle, Le Chambard socialiste and others. Moloch illustrates the stories of “Colonel Ramollot”, a character he invented.
Along with Steinlein and Édouard Couturier, he is the main illustrator of Le Chambard socialiste. From no. 33, July 28, 1894, he drew most of the cover illustrations.
He ended his career with drawings for L'Assiette au beurre.
He died in Paris on May 6, 1909.