Hubert Landa was born in Branky (Branek) in Moravia, completed an apprenticeship as a lithographer and studied from 1894 to 1900 at the Vienna Academy under Griepenkerl and then until 1902 at the School of Applied Arts under Franz von Matsch. He became an assistant at the Graphic Teaching and Research Institute in Vienna in 1902, where he worked as a teacher from 1908 and as a professor from 1912 to 1924.
During the First World War, Landa served as a war painter in Serbia, and after his retirement he opened a private painting school in Vienna. He was also a restorer and gallery inspector for Prince Colloredo-Mannsfeld at Opocno Castle in Bohemia. Landa often went on study trips with his students to the Wachau, where he worked every spring and fall. He died at the age of 68 in 1938 in Kirnberg an der Mank in the Mostviertel.