Book Illustrations A Collection of Illustrations from Public Domain books covering a wide range of subjects All Books Animals Botanical Children’s Books Design Japanese Ornament Science Illustrated Catalogue of Daylight Bomb ShellsJinta Hirayama Night FireworksJinta Hirayama I Had a Dog and a CatJosef Čapek The Three Bears, A Family StoryMiriam Kallen, Beatrice Dvilnsky Maquettes de théatreAlexandra Exter 53 Stations of the Tokaido (Tata-e edition)Andô Hiroshige 53 Stations of the Tokaido (Gyosho edition)Andô Hiroshige RoninAndô Hiroshige The economic value of birds to the stateFrank M. Chapman, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Shin-BijutsukaiKorin Furuya (Editor) Birds of Asia John Gould, Richard Bowdler Sharpe Foreign butterfliesJames Duncan AlpenblumenmärchenErnst Kreidolf Monograph of the Bucerotidæ or Family of the HornbillsDaniel Giraud Elliot Dictionnaire de la céramiqueEdouard Garnier Curiosities of OrnithologyThomas Waterman Wood Nouveau recueil général de planches peintes d'oiseauxCoenraad Jacob Temminck Die Perle; Musterblätter Für Juweliere U. GoldarbeiterMartin Gerlach A Child's Book of WarriorsWilliam Canton, Herbert Cole Beauty and the BeastWalter Crane Curiosities of EntomologyBarret and Sons Rudyard Kipling's Jungle BookMaurice and Edward Detmold Addresses Presented to Lord Carrington, Governor of New South WalesAnonymous The illustrated book of canaries and cage-birds, British and foreignW. A. Blakstonn Examples of Chinese ornament : selected from objects in the South Kensington Museum and other collectionsOwen Jones Le bouquet des souvenirs: a wreath of friendshipJohn Stevens Henslow The floral offering, a token of friendshipFrances Sargent Osgood Keika hyakugikuKeika Hasegawa (長谷川契華.) A collection of roses from natureMary Lawrence The Temple of FloraRobert John Thornton « 1 … 33 34 35 36 37 »