Leo Gestel was a Dutch painter. His father Willem Gestel was also an artist. Leo Gestel experimented with cubism, expressionism, futurism and postimpressionism. Along with Piet Mondrian he was among the leading artists of Dutch modernism.
Leo Gestel 'Herfstdag te Nijmegen . Autumn day at Nijmegen, 1909
Gestel was first instructed in art by his father, Willem Gestel, the director of an art school, and his uncle, Dimmen Gestel, who had painted with Vincent van Gogh. Due to financial problems Gestel created advertisements (e.g. for Philips) for illustrated books.
While in Paris he came in contact with the avant-garde movement. In 1913 Herwarth Walden offered him the chance to exhibit work in the "Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon" in Berlin. Generally Gestel spent the summer in Bergen, where he joined the Bergen School. In 1929 the majority of his works were lost when a fire destroyed his studio; he then moved to Blaricum.