Étienne Louis Advinent, born in Lyon on July 12, 1767 and died in Marseille on December 28, 1831, was a French painter.
The painter Etienne-Louis Advinent was not taught by a master; he was self-taught.
Living in Lyon during his youth, he moved to Montpellier around 1782, before settling in Grenoble in 1788. He returned to Montpellier in 1792, where he met the then-fashionable painter Jacques Gamelin, whose daughter he married. He later collaborated with Gamelin as a model painter for some of his engravings. His son Abraham was born in 1803 of an adulterous relationship with Marie-Jeanne Julie. His wife, Julie Gamelin, died in 1812, after which he remarried Abraham's mother in 1817.
He finally settled in the Marseille region in 1818, where he would spend the rest of his life.
Advinent held an exhibition in Marseille in 1818. It featured three of his paintings: Vue du Vaucluse, Etude d'un chien qui sentir un lièvre et une perdrix, and Le résultat d'une chasse jeté sur des pierres mousseuses. He also held an exhibition in Paris in 1819.
The painter died in Marseille in 1831.