Charles Turner Warren was a British engraver.
Charles Turner Warren was born in London, and of his early career the only facts recorded are that he married at the age of eighteen, and was at one time engaged in engraving on metal for calico printing. He enjoyed a great reputation as an engraver of small book-illustrations during the last 20 years of his life. His engraved plates of Robert Smirke in the English editions of the Arabian Nights (1802), Gil Blas (1809), and Don Quixote (1818), were very successful. His Broken Jar (after David Wilkie), one of the illustrations to poet Peter Coxe's Social Day, was considered a masterpiece of its kind.
Other publications to which he contributed were Kearsley's edition of The Plays of William Shakespeare, Du Roveray's edition of The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope, Walker's British Classics, John Sharpe's Classics, Suttaby's Poets, and Physiognomical Portraits.
Warren was an active member of the Society of Arts and also of the Artists' Fund Society, of which he was president from 1812 to 1815. In 1823, he was awarded the large gold medal of the Society of Arts for valuable improvements which he made in the preparation of steel plates for engraving, but he did not live to receive his award, dying suddenly in Wandsworth, London on 21 April of that year. He was buried at St. Sepulchre's, Newgate Street.