August Müller was a German genre painter who is assigned to the Munich School.
August Müller grew up in Tübingen, where his father, formerly a lawyer from Rottweil, was appointed legal secretary. He attended secondary school and, according to his parents' wishes, he would later work in agriculture. From 1858 he was artistically active under Rustige, he won several prizes at the Stuttgart Academy and moved to Munich in 1865, where he was artistically supported by his compatriots Jakob Grünenwald, Heinrich Schaumann and the well-known animal painter Anton Braith. The Munich Art Association bought his picture writing lessonsat. His other pictures mostly show cheerful motifs from rural life and sold well.
Müller was married and was considered a respected man in his circle. In addition to meningitis, he suffered from other illnesses and died of suicide. His estate of 95 mostly unfinished paintings , sketches and studies was exhibited in the Kunstverein and most of it was sold, the remainder, consisting of numerous costumes and extensive studio items, was auctioned off.