Book Illustrations A Collection of Illustrations from Public Domain books covering a wide range of subjects All Books Animals Botanical Children’s Books Design Japanese Ornament Science Les plantes a feuillage coloréEdward Joseph Lowe La plante et ses applications ornementales Eugène Grasset, Camille Gabirel Schlumberger Zoological SketchesJoseph Wolf Illustrations of Himalayan plantsJoseph Dalton Hooker, John Fergusson Cathcart , Walter Hood Fitch Haarlem's FloraArentine H. Arendsen A monograph of the Tetraoninae or Family of the grouseDaniel Giraud Elliot, Joseph Wolf (illustrator) Drawings of plants collected at Cape TownClemenz Heinrich Wehdemann Dr. Sulzer’s Short History of InsectsJohann Heinrich Sulzer, Carl von Linné, Johann Jacob Römer Décoration Égyptienne. Plafonds et Frises Végétales du Nouvel Empire ThébainGustave Jéquier A selection of hexandrian plants, belonging to the natural orders Amaryllidæ and LiliacæPriscilla Susan Bury, Robert Havell A Monograph of the Phasianidae or Family of the PheasantsDaniel Giraud Elliot, Joseph Smit (Illustrator) A Description of the Genus PinusAylmer Bourke Lambert, David Don, Ferdinand Bauer « 1 … 34 35 36